"Don't bother to pack your bags, or your map. We won't need them where we're goin'. We're goin' where the wind is blowin', not knowin' where we're gonna stay."

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Meet the Boys, Volume 2: Tiger

Alright, installment #2! This time, Tiger's up. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Tiger is that he's constantly smiling and laughing, and that he loves to sing (he also loves selfies :)). He's someone I can depend on to have a cheerful attitude pretty much 100% of the time. Generally, if someone's always happy, I'm skeptical :). But with Tiger, it's who he is, which is a trait I love about him and why it's impossible to not feel better after talking to or even just seeing him. I present to you, Tiger...

Name: Tiger (Sophea) - His nickname is Tiger, because he's a wild man.

Age: 19

Home province: Kompong Chhnang

What are you currently doing? 
I am a student in 12th grade at Hun Sen High School.

What were you doing before coming to Shelter of Peace? 
I was a monk at the local Buddhist temple from 12-19 years old. I really wanted to learn more about Buddhism, so I joined when I was very young.

Why did you leave the monkhood? 
They shut down their school, so I left to continue my education. If they didn’t shut down the school, I would have stayed at the temple.

Why is learning English important to you? 
It will help me get a better job in the future since many jobs require English. It will also allow me travel around the world since it is the “mother” language.

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? 
I like to sing and get on Facebook.

What is your favorite food? 
Fried chicken (Pert’s editorial comment: a man after my own heart)

What person has influenced you the most? How did they influence you? 
My parents influenced me the most. They both taught me that it’s important to be a good person.

What are your goals for your future? 
I want to be a tour guide in Siem Reap.

What will you need to do to achieve (complete) these goals? 
I need to graduate 12th grade, then go to university to study to be a tour guide.

What are your family’s goals for you? 
My parents wanted me to be a teacher. My sister is currently a teacher.

What does a perfect day look like? 
Hanging out with friends. Also, eating fried chicken and singing.

If you could learn one thing, what would that be and why? 
I want to learn more about computers because many jobs now require that skill.

What is one thing Pert has learned since coming to Cambodia? 
He knows some Khmer.

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